Team Resources
The Team Resources page provides a wide variety of tools for shooting teams. Select from the list of resources to learn more about them. Fundraising Ideas | Team Uniforms | Adopt A Team | Ducks Unlimited Team Resource Assistance Program | MidwayUSA Foundation Fundraising Toolkit | Ticket Printing | State Raffle Laws | Guide to Running a Successful Coaches’ Meeting.
Need inspiration for a fundraiser? Our Program Managers have traveled to many shoots and regional meetings around the United States, and along the way, they have heard some pretty fantastic fundraising ideas. We have organized these ideas into four sections, Shooting Specific Fundraisers, Fundraisers Involving Chance, Seasonal Fundraisers, and Other Unique Fundraising Ideas. Head to our Fundraising Ideas page with the link below to see fundraisers that your team could host in your community!
Team Gear

MidwayUSA Foundation has teamed up with Battle Gear to provide a resource for teams to order custom team uniforms AND grow their team endowment. Battle Gear takes custom uniforms and gear to the next level. They have created custom templates just for our shooting teams. Choose from those templates or work with Battle Gear to create your own, unique design. Their apparel professionals communicate closely with coaches and team leaders to turn any idea or vision into a design that the whole team will enjoy. Get started with the link below!
Big Frig Purchasing Program
MidwayUSA Foundation has teamed up with Big Frig to provide a resource for teams to order custom coolers and drinkware AND they’ll donate 10% of your order total* to your youth shooting team. Just mention that you’d like your order to support youth shooting sports and provide our team name and endowment account number when you place your order. When your order is complete, they will make a donation directly to our endowment account and that donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the MidwayUSA Foundation. Get started with the link below!
Learn More
MidwayUSA Foundation Fundraising Toolkit
The Fundraising Toolkit is full of information that you can use to promote your shooting team. We know that funding your shooting team can be challenging at times, so we created this toolkit for you! The toolkit will help overcome some challenges, by increasing awareness in your community and by encouraging people to donate to your team’s endowment.
The packet contains documents and images that you can share with your community through social media, email, or any other methods that work well for your specific team and supporters. It is essential to promote and increase your team’s endowment so that all teammates have the same opportunity to compete and learn. In conclusion, each dollar donated to your shooting team’s endowment supports your organization for the future and helps us reach the goal of ensuring teams will have forever funding. Pages in the toolkit include Online Donation Process, Logos and Social Media Images, Email Example, Press Release Example, Managing Perception, Additional Ideas & Tips, and a Printable Flyer!
Ducks Unlimited Team Resource Assistance Program
DU T.R.A.P – Team Resource Assistance Program – provides discounted merchandise and professionally designed marketing materials for club fundraising activities that guarantee scholastic shooting teams retain 100% of the net revenue raised for immediate use! Each package will include up to 50 promotional posters and 500 raffle tickets and all costs are included in the package cost with no hidden charges. To see the packages offered to teams or to submit a request head to or use the button below.
adopt a team
Your shooting team can work with local conservation groups to raise funds for your endowment. We have a tremendous partnership with Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever (PF/QF), from the national headquarters down to the local chapter volunteers in communities. Their Adopt a Club program works to partner your youth shooting team with local PF/QF chapters. We believe shooting sports often lead young shooters to hunt, and that’s important to our outdoor industry.
As an example, a local conservation chapter can invite your shooting team to work at their banquet or sell raffle tickets to receive a portion of the proceeds to be donated to your MidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment. The conservation chapter is able to structure the partnership how they choose, so it benefits their organization and the local shooting team. Many chapters use our FREE fundraising products too. Right now, Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever have Adopt A Team programs but do not hesitate to contact other conservation chapters in your area and ask if they can assist your youth shooting team.
………Find a Pheasants Forever Chapter Find a Quail Forever Chapter
If your shooting team is ready to work with a local conservation chapter, search for a chapter near you with the links above or email us at to get started!
State Raffle Laws
Raffles are a great way to generate funds for your team/organization and your endowment account. As you may know, we offer free fundraising products to shooting teams and organizations that have an account with us, and raffling off these fundraising products is very popular. With that said, every state’s raffle laws are different, so shooting teams and organizations must do their research. Click on your state or your state’s abbreviation on the map below to see what your rules and regulations are for hosting a raffle!
.Raffle laws change often. Please check with your local authorities to ensure that you have complied with all local and state rules and regulations before holding any type of fundraiser or event that involves raffles
Guide to Running a Successful Coaches Meeting
Are you interested in hosting a coaches meeting in your area? Download our guide below, which can assist your organization with planning and executing a successful coaches meeting. The guide includes sections on why you should host a coaches meeting, who you should invite, the best time to host a meeting, where the meeting should take place, and what information you should cover. You can check out the guide with the link below. If you have any questions or have a coaches meeting you would like us to attend, email us at