Team Cash Grant Recipients

HomeTeam Cash Grant Recipients

Team Cash Grant Recipients

Categories: Blog, Grants, Success Stories

The official list of our most recent team cash grant recipients is available on our Team Grants page.  Once again, we broke previous records for our grant cycle and we sent just under $3 million to 840 youth shooting teams!  WOW!  This is cash in the hands of team leaders that can be used to purchase what their team needs to practice and compete.  Cash is what EVERY shooting team never has enough of and we are very happy to offer it.  Minnesota, Iowa, and Texas were the states receiving the most cash grant dollars and benefiting the most shooting teams.  If you’re interested in how many shooting teams in your state received a cash grant, click here for that list.  If you were a shooting team that was part of our largest cash grant payout to day, congratulations!!  We hope it is a big help to your team.  If you’re reading this and wondering how to receive cash for your shooting team, you can contact us.  As a reminder, EVERY team that has an endowment balance with us is eligible to receive 5% of that each year.  You simply apply in June or December.  We hope teams will apply every single year.


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