REVIEW OUR Special purpose endowment FAQS
Please review some frequently asked questions about our Special Purpose Endowment Programs. If you do not find what you’re looking for, do not hesitate to contact us.
Nearly all of the endowments held by the MidwayUSA Foundation are unrestricted accounts that award non-competitive grants to the non-profit organizations that created and are responsible for funding them. MidwayUSA Foundation created the special-purpose endowments to provide grant funding to various organizations for a specific purpose in support of youth shooting sports. Special-purpose endowments are narrowly focused and restricted to their purpose. Grants will be competitive.
Most MidwayUSA Foundation endowments only grant to one organization. Therefore, the grant process is non-competitive because the grantee does not have to compete with another organization for funding from that endowment account. Competitive grants are open to any non-profit organization that meets the grant guidelines. Potential grantees must compete to receive a grant from that fund based upon who can make the most positive impact on youth shooting sports with their grant. Therefore, a competitive grant application may be fully funded, partially funded, or not funded at all.
These endowments are currently in the growth stage. Application guidelines will be published and grants will be offered when the MidwayUSA Foundation Board of Directors decides they are sufficiently funded. No date has been set.
Primarily Larry & Brenda Potterfield. However, the MidwayUSA Foundation will gladly accept donations from other people and organizations who want to help grow these endowments in support of youth shooting sports.