SKB Shotguns Supports Youth Shooting Sports

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SKB Shotguns Supports Youth Shooting Sports

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SKB Shotguns and MidwayUSA Foundation have secured a successful partnership for many years, benefiting youth shooting teams across the country. To continue supporting the next generation of outdoorsmen and women, SKB has renewed its sponsorship. SKB Shotguns will again donate 5% of all parts and accessory sales to MidwayUSA Foundation. SKB Shotguns owner, Rob Johansen, provided G. Scott Reynolds, MidwayUSA Foundation Executive Director, with proceeds from 2022 sales at MidwayUSA Foundation’s 2023 SHOT Show Reception [pictured right].

Rob Johansen spoke about the importance of the SKB and MidwayUSA Foundation relationship. “SKB has a long-standing tradition of quality products and services that support youth shooting sports and gun enthusiasts. It’s vitally important we invest in the next generation to carry on our shooting sports heritage in America. Every contribution to the MidwayUSA Foundation provides long-term stability to youth shooting sports forever.” Some of the accessories offered include range bags, shell pouches, gun cases, replacement stocks and forends, choke tubes, and even spring rebuild kits. Call 800-752-2767 or visit to start shopping to benefit youth shooting sports.

Sponsors like SKB Shotguns prove their commitment to the youth of the outdoor industry through programs like the one mentioned above. Additionally, SKB frequently supports our Product Grant program, which provides youth shooting programs with FREE products for them to use in community fundraisers. Click here to see our current fundraising products. Also, check out all our Supporting Sponsor Programs with the link below.

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