Team Endowment Program

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Shooting teams open an endowment, grow it, and then apply for a cash grant each year to assist with team expenses.

The Team Endowment Program gives a community the ability to financially support a competitive youth shooting sports program. Like other sports, shooting teams provide wonderful opportunities for students to make friends, develop confidence, and learn discipline and leadership skills. However, most schools and clubs provide little or no funding for youth shooting sports teams, so it is up to us to help. As the primary program of the MidwayUSA Foundation, Team Endowments provide financial support to high school and college-level youth shooting sports teams across America. The shooting team (see our definition of ‘team’) does not have to be affiliated with a high school or college to create an endowment but does have to be reputably organized and made up of primarily high school or college-age youth.  We support all shooting disciplines including shotgun, smallbore and air rifle, pistol and air pistol, high power, and black powder. If you are not associated with a shooting team but are interested in starting one, Click Here.

Find a Team      Start A Team Endowment

Teams grow their Team Endowment through fundraisers and donations.  Thanks to generous donations from Larry and Brenda Potterfield, 100% of each donation goes to the team endowment of a donor’s choice; the Foundation keeps nothing for operations.  The team can then request a grant of 5% of their endowment balance once each year, in either June or December, to pay for team expenses.  There are no Foundation fees associated with a MidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment.

MidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment Page

The most recent Team Endowment information can be found on a team page. Every shooting team in our endowment program has a team page on our website and the easiest way to search for a page is by selecting the ‘Find a Team. Fund a Team.’ button on our homepage or by using the button above.  Below is an example of a team page. Select the circles near the endowment information to see why that section is important.

"Programs and support like this are what drive youth shooting and give us a legacy that will continue."
-Lakes Area Youth Trap Club [IA]


Definition of a Team:

  • Must be a well-organized and reputable educational (training) organization for primarily high school or college age youth shooters.
  • The team must have a competent and responsible coach, instructor, or adult leader.
  • Must always have two or more active youth shooters (we will not support an individual shooter).
  • There must be intent and effort towards sustainability.  The team is expected to grow and/or remain active into the foreseeable future through a perpetual life cycle of youth shooters.

Download team definition