Oklahoma State University Shotgun Club Honors MidwayUSA Foundation

HomeOklahoma State University Shotgun Club Honors MidwayUSA Foundation

Oklahoma State University Shotgun Club Honors MidwayUSA Foundation

Categories: Blog, Fundraising, Other, Success Stories

Congrats to osu shotgun sports club on their recent banquet

The teams and organizations that have worked with our Foundation for a while have probably heard us talk about helping those who help themselves. The shooting programs that actively grow their endowment see high reward.  The Oklahoma State University Shotgun Sports Club (OSU Shotgun) is the perfect example. The OSU Shotgun Club has over $562,000 in its endowment, but they aren’t stopping there.  The club wants to add more by educating supporters about the impact the endowment has on its team, its athletes, and the University. In May, the shotgun club hosted a banquet entirely created and organized by the athletes. Club Vice President Luke Mohr said the planning started months prior.

“Our idea was to develop a dinner that introduces and encourages club supporters to mingle and grow together. An event such as this would help the club build a strong community and connect them for a lifetime.”

The team representatives talked to more than 100 businesses in the Stillwater area, advertised on social media, and spread the news constantly throughout the semester.  Over 125 attendees gathered to make the first banquet a great success. Four of those attendees came from our Columbia, Missouri headquarters and included our generous benefactors, Larry and Brenda Potterfield.  Also in attendance was Board President Dick Leeper and our Executive Director Scott Reynolds. Luke talked about the excitement around having Larry and Brenda at this event.

“We wanted them to come and see what we have been working on as a club, the extensive benefit the MidwayUSA Foundation endowment has had on our club, and the future plans for our program. We wanted them to see and understand the impact they were having on programs such as ours.”

OSU Shotgun Club’s MidwayUSA Foundation endowment has provided nearly $230,000 in cash grants, and this has changed how the program has run throughout the years, keeping more members interested and involved. A club on campus with high participation, positive members, and a strong commitment to fundraising gets the attention of the entire campus. There are big plans for the future of the OSU Shotgun program, including range improvements.  The annual cash grant from their endowment is vital to the success of these plans. We are excited for the members and supporters of the OSU Shotgun Sports Club on their banquet and look forward to the future of this shooting program, especially with incredible leaders like Luke Mohr and Club President Riley Crow.  To donate directly to the OSU Shotgun Sports Club’s endowment, visit their endowment page.  Donations are matched thanks to Larry and Brenda Potterfield, who fund our matching program.



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