MidwayUSA Foundation Hires Three New Employees
The MidwayUSA Foundation, a leading advocate for youth shooting sports, is thrilled to announce its staff expansion with three new employees. Two employees will be based in the Columbia, Missouri office, while a new Program Manager will oversee the new western region.
Pete Eisentrager will serve as the Deputy Director, a newly created position based in the home office in Columbia, Missouri. Pete’s diverse resume brings vast non-profit and business leadership experience to the Deputy Director role. As a lifelong hunter and recreational shooter, Pete’s true passion is mentoring others to pursue outdoor experiences.
Chance Cover, Logistics Coordinator, began with the Foundation in December and manages the Fundraising Product Grant Program from the Columbia, Missouri office. Chance processes orders and ships items that youth shooting programs request to conduct fundraisers in their local community. Chance was a resident athlete with USA Shooting, competing with Team USA domestically and internationally.
Dan Darragh is the new Program Manager, providing service to the Foundation’s western region from his home base near Boise, Idaho. Dan will assist youth shooting programs in 11 states, including Washington, Oregon, California, Utah, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii, and his home state of Idaho. With the addition of Dan, MidwayUSA Foundation now has five Program Managers to better serve youth shooting teams across the country. Dan has eight years of shooting sports coaching experience and is a Level One NSSA coach.
“Nearly 2,600 youth shooting teams rely on our funding to conduct practices, travel to competitions, pay for ammo, and cover other critical expenses that youth shooting teams incur. I believe these dedicated individuals are strong additions to our team, giving us a high-performing, robust staff that also shares a passion for youth shooting sports.” – G. Scott Reynolds – Executive Director.