Matching Program Recipients – February

HomeMatching Program Recipients – February

Matching Program Recipients – February

Categories: Blog, Matching

We are excited to release our latest list of Matching Program recipients.  In February, 180 youth shooting teams received a donation or contributed to their MidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment, which qualified them to receive matching funds.  Together, all the team contributions totaled $79,237.55.  Thanks to Larry and Brenda Potterfield, we have $60,000 each month to use for our Matching Program so every team donation was matched at a rate of $.7572.  For example, if your team received a $50.00 donation, you additionally received $37.80 in matching funds to add $87.80 to your Team Endowment.  Contributions made as a result of conducting a fundraiser with our free fundraising products received the same match ratio.  Our Matching Program will continue throughout the year and we will calculate the ratio the same each month.  In January, our donations totaled $96,651.50 and 172 teams benefited from our Matching Program.  We were able to match $.62 of each Team Endowment donation.


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