Febuary Donations are Matched!

HomeFebuary Donations are Matched!

Febuary Donations are Matched!

Categories: Blog, Matching, Other

February donations are matched! We are very excited to announce that every dollar gained a match at a $0.91 ratio. This substantial match benefited 278 youth shooting teams. This means that if your shooting team received a $50 donation, our Matching Program added an additional $45.50, to bring your total contribution to $95.50. Our Matching Program is one of the easiest and quickest ways to grow your team endowment. Throughout 2020 we have $150,000 in matching dollars each month to help shooting teams grow their own earmarked endowment. Every contribution to a MidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment helps increase the team’s annual cash grant and benefits both current and future athletes of the organization. Want to stay updated on everything we’re doing to change the future of youth shooting sports? It’s easy, subscribe to our blog and follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Subscribe to the blog with the link below!



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