April Online Donation Drive Announced!

HomeApril Online Donation Drive Announced!

April Online Donation Drive Announced!

Categories: Blog, Fundraising, Other

April Online Donation Drive

April 1st is the beginning of an excellent way for teams to grow their MidwayUSA Foundation endowment through online donations and award money! The Online Donation Drive(ODD) will run from April 1st to April 30th, and every shooting team that receives an online donation throughout the month will qualify.  This Online Donation Drive will be awarding $5,000 to five shooting team endowments, through a random draw. Every team that receives an online donation has an equal chance to win.  Plus, we have increased matching dollars for the month of April to $175,000. That’s an additional $25,000 in matching funds and $25,000 in award money. Remember, to enter your team must receive a one-time donation. Recurring gifts will not enter your youth shooting team into the drawing.

Start searching for your team page on our Find a Team Fund a Team page and simply share that page URL with your supporters.  You can share the link through email, text, or on social media.  Any donation a team receives through our new Peer-to-Peer platform will also enter that team into the ODD prize drawing.  Learn more about this great tool below and get your team signed up!  This is a great way to keep your athletes connected and competing right now.

For more information on the Online Donation Drive, you can review the full set of guidelines with the link below. Good luck to all the teams participating!

ODD Guidelines

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Event

The Online Donation Drive is a great way to talk to your community members about your team. Additionally, donations received through Peer-to-Peer will count towards the Online Donation Drive. Peer-to-Peer Fundraising focuses on personalizing fundraising pages for each team member, which makes communicating to friends and family fast and easy. Peer-to-Peer is also very mobile friendly so you can encourage your supporters to donate right through their phone or tablet too! Right now is a perfect time to sign up for Peer-to-Peer. In 2020, any shooting team that raises $1,000 through Peer-to-Peer will receive an additional $1,000 towards their endowment account. Additionally, all Peer-to-Peer donations will be matched, reflecting the current Matching Program. For more information on the Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Event, check out the guidelines with the link below. If you would like to learn more about Peer-to-Peer watch a video Here. If you have any questions over any of our Fundraising Events you can always contact us at info@midwayusafoundation.org or call us at (877) 375-4570.

Peer-to-peer event


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