2024 Hometown Challenge Update

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2024 Hometown Challenge Update

Categories: Blog, Fundraising, Matching, Other

Hometown Challenge Week 2 Update

MidwayUSA Foundation Hometown Challenge Sweepstakes is off to an incredible start! In just two weeks, we’ve already received over $143,000 in donations, which will benefit a total of 243 youth shooting teams. The Bismarck/Manan Rifle & Pistol Junior Team is currently leading the competition with an outstanding $26,356 in donations. With the month-long fundraising event now halfway over, there’s still plenty of time to make a difference. Don’t forget, for every $20 donation, you’ll receive an entry into our amazing multi-prize sweepstakes. And, thanks to our Matching Program, all donations will be doubled! Your support makes a real impact – so feel free to donate as much as you like to increase your chances of winning!

Team Fundraising Competition

Shooting athletes and coaches can use Hometown Challenge to encourage new and loyal donors to make a contribution to their team. To generate some friendly competition, the five teams that bring in the most donation dollars in September will be awarded additional endowment dollars! First place team will earn $15,000, $12,500 goes to second place, third place earns $10,000, fourth place receives $7,500, and fifth place will earn $5,000! In addition to the top 5 teams, we will randomly draw 30 teams to win $1,000 each. Check out all the details on our Hometown Challenge page and download a flyer to share in your community!


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