Support your favorite team through online auctions!
Our friends at Eventgroove are helping us host online auctions to support youth shooting sports. Every winning bid is a donation to the youth shooting program of the winner’s choice, and winning contributions will be matched through our current Matching Program. We will have various items up for grabs throughout the year, such as firearms, gear, and more! Auctions will start on the first Monday of each month and will run for a week. See our online auction page here.
Bid on a F.A.I.R. Carrera One HR Today!
The starting bid for the Carrera One HR is $1000. This auction uses an English style of bidding and will end on May 7 at 7 P.M. Eastern. Each bidder must offer a higher price than the last bid to participate. The featured firearm is a high-ribbed version of the popular Carrera One. This model offers all of the features of the Carrera One with the addition of a 15MM top rib, ergonomic stock, and Montecarlo Comb. The new F.A.I.R. Carrera over-and-under shotguns are the result of extensive research and are designed for the most discerning competition shooter. The new Magnum 12-gauge over-and-under features barrels made of UM / 8 – HD40 steel, with the proprietary X-Cones system. The barrels are chrome-lined to guarantee maximum resistance to wear, while the external surfaces feature deep bluing, and a soft recoil-damping cone connects the barrel to the chamber. It also features the interchangeable Technichoke system, automatic ejectors, a finely checkered rib that reduces glare, and the tri-alloyed steel action has a polished blued finish with gold engraving.
This very exciting auction couldn’t be possible without supporters like the Italian Firearms Group. See the complete specs and more auction details at