Giving Tuesday 2023

HomeGiving Tuesday 2023

Giving Tuesday 2023

Categories: Blog, Fundraising

Save the Date: November 28 | Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday 2023 is right around the corner and we are excited to share that we have a goal to raise $300,000 in just one day!  Every dollar will benefit youth shooting teams and organizations; we keep nothing for operations.  Plus, we will match EVERY DONATION!  To reach our goal, we need the support of all of our constituents.  We encourage you to ask your community of supporters to donate through our website on November 28. In addition to matching every donation, we’ll also reward top youth shooting teams that bring in the most donation dollars.

The team incentive will be structured to reward the top 5 teams.
1st Place:  $8,000
2nd Place: $7,000
3rd Place:  $6,000
4th Place:  $5,000
5th Place:  $4,000

All teams that receive a donation on Giving Tuesday will be entered to win $1,000 in endowment funds; we’ll draw 15 winners. Throughout the day, we’ll also bring you goal updates on our website and Facebook page.  Plus, we’ll offer unique incentives to our donors!  To assist you in talking with your team volunteers, parents, donors, and potential donors, we have created some material for you to use in your communications. Visit our Giving Tuesday Toolkit page for logos, email and press release templates, and more tips.

Donating on Giving Tuesday is easy.  Head to and choose if you’d like to make a contribution to a youth shooting team or organization.  From there, you’ll search for the program you’d like to support and make your tax-deductible donation right through our website.  We will send you a gift receipt, and your dollars will be matched in the coming weeks.  Growing an endowment means growing that youth shooting program’s annual cash grant, which provides funds to cover critical expenses the team needs to practice and compete.


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